We present a polynomial-time algorithm achieving an approximation ratio below √2 for MVC, providing strong evidence that P = NP and disproving the Unique Games Conjecture. The polynomial time solution was implemented in Python and it is available at https://pypi.org/project/capablanca/
I see an implementation of Hopcroft-Karp is disclosed in capablanca documentation. To help us understand your post further, could you explain its involvement? How are you able to achieve an approx ratio below sqrt(2)?
I pointed out a possible confusion of the author, due to some miscommunication appearing in Garey and Johnson, in [1].
[1] https://www.reddit.com/r/AskComputerScience/comments/1dcirpn...
We present a polynomial-time algorithm achieving an approximation ratio below √2 for MVC, providing strong evidence that P = NP and disproving the Unique Games Conjecture. The polynomial time solution was implemented in Python and it is available at https://pypi.org/project/capablanca/
I see an implementation of Hopcroft-Karp is disclosed in capablanca documentation. To help us understand your post further, could you explain its involvement? How are you able to achieve an approx ratio below sqrt(2)?