Battleshack 2 months ago

I hate what it has done to Slack.

Specifically how it has bogged down a perfectly good piece of software in more notifications and redundant features.

One example is the Catch Up-feature, which is throwing notification badges even for channels from whitch I've explicitly silenced notifications.

Another example is the kanban board. Tried to make use of it, but got distracted by red badges every time I opened Slack with the intention of adding or tracking tasks.

muzani 2 months ago

It appears to be doing everything that could possibly be done. As Sun Tzu put it, if you are strong everywhere, you are weak everywhere.

catchnear4321 2 months ago

usually top of list is how it gets / was implemented at a given customer / employer

GianFabien 2 months ago

The pushy salespeople who push it upon the executive managements of companies. The the staff of victim company have to use it to justify the "investment".

mudrumm 2 months ago


  • akshat77 2 months ago

    what are you using currently?