litoE 3 months ago

I listened to the recorded message Matt Blaze links to and, as a native spanish speaker, what struck me most was that the female voice had such a distinctive Cuban accent. She does not pronounce it "Atención, Atención", but rather "Atenció, Atenció" which is how a Cuban would sound.

daghamm 3 months ago

That ending was kinda of a let down. I was hoping for a cryptographic attack due to ciphertext being scewed :(

TeeMassive 3 months ago

"Compromised is primarily a memoir of former FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok"

Given how this ex-agent has disgraced himself by his conduct and during his Congress testimony, I wouldn't trust anything he says.

  • readthenotes1 3 months ago

    I guess you're being down voted because you're reminding people that this is the guy that said that he would prevent a free and fair election for a position in the government he was employed by?

    ("Compromised" is a fairly ironic choice for the title...)

    • TeeMassive 3 months ago

      I was very careful not to mention any political party or affiliation. A jury wouldn't trust a dishonest cop who was fired for corrupt behavior, no matter how or who he was corrupt against.

      That doesn't mean the article is wrong or he the arrests he made in the early 2000s were not justified, just that it should not be regarded as a reliable source. This would be true for anyone, regardless of "sides".